Simple weather app

It shows the current weather of any city you specify. After clicking on the live site link, please wait for sometime for the site to load. Built with HTML CSS JavaScript Node.js Express EJS OpenWeatherMap Api


It’s a game inspired by Chrome’s Dino Run game. This is built in Scratch as a part of CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science course.

Password generator

A website that helps you to generate random passwords.

Drum kit website

I built this as a part of Angela Yu’s The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp course Built using HTML CSS JavaScript

Tindog website

Tinder, but for dogs! Practice website built as a part of Angela Yu’s udemy course. Built using HTML CSS Bootstrap

QR code component

A Frontend Mentor challenge.

Stats preview card

A Frontend Mentor challenge. Built with Semantic HTML5 markup CSS custom properties Flexbox CSS Grid

Tribute page

A freeCodeCamp certification project.

Order Card Component

A Frontend Mentor challenge. Built with Semantic HTML5 markup CSS custom properties Flexbox

Nft card component

A Frontend Mentor challenge. Built with Semantic HTML5 markup CSS custom properties Flexbox

Original Trombones

A freeCodeCamp certification project.

Laptop landing page

Built by following a tutorial from DevEd on YouTube.